Thursday, September 2, 2010

Mentally Balanced

The next few entries are going to be steps to becoming balanced. They will be short and sweet telling what I have learned. I by no means am balanced in these areas. It's a daily struggle, but I have learned what I need to do. And my hope is that this will encourage you as well. 

Your mind is powerful.

It can take you from calm and peaceful to anxious in seconds. As a woman our mind is always working. I think that's why I have trouble sleeping most nights. I never can seem to get my brain turned off. For me, reciting scripture over and over works every time.  Your mind can work on overload all day long as well. I find I have to stay connected to my Father all day long.

If I lose my connection, I lose my mind. 

What about you? Are you connected to God all day? Do you allow Him to renew your mind multiple times during the day?

Having a renewed mind is the first step to being balanced mentally. And like I said before the mind is powerful. Use it wisely.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will." Romans 12:2


Rachel Lindsey said...

I LOVE it & I LOVE YOU!!!!!

Karin Coibion said...

The song Renew My Mind goes through my mind on such a regular basis because I need to combat the lies that creep in...

Renew my mind
Break down the walls
Be Lord of my life
Rule over all

Great post!