Saturday, November 27, 2010

Recipe book

Hey friends,
Sorry I haven't written in the last 10 days. It's been very busy and I just didn't get an opportunity. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We sure did!

I'm working on a project and I would love your help. I have been writing down good recipes that we use in this family in a recipe book. I want to pass it down to either my daughter or Finn's wife someday. I want the women in my family to be able to continue cooking our family meals after I'm gone. So this is my way of doing it. I want the book to be full of delicious recipes.

So you may be asking, "how can I help?" Well, I would love for you to either post a comment on here or email me  with some delicious recipes you would like to share. Additionally, it would be awesome if you could link to this post from your blog or twitter t spread the word. I want as many recipes as possible. The book has to be full!

Thanks in advance. Happy cooking!!

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