Monday, October 25, 2010


This morning in my quiet time I was reminded of how important praying is. What's funny is I've actually been wrestling with that lately. God always has a funny way of telling me things. So, first let me say that I do love praying with the God, I talk to him often. I have a struggle with what to pray about. Because some things, I think He already knows that, no need for me to mention it.

But the power of pray is huge. Just recently, I had been praying for a friend's pregnancy. And at her next appointment God performed a miracle. He totally answered our prayers, she was completely healed. You see, that was a reminder to me that prayer works.

The Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing." It also says "submit your requests to God, with thanksgiving." I actually read once that "prayer is the key to God's heart." I definitely want that key!

So, think about what/who you want to lift up to the Lord and do it. Keep a prayer journal if you can. It's very encouraging to look back over days, weeks, months and see all that God has done!

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