Monday, June 2, 2008

Good news...

Monday is usually a pretty busy day.  But the first Monday of the month is crazy busy.  And today was no exception.  It started with All-Staff Meeting, then Admin division meeting, then check requests are due, then I look up and its 4:40 and I gotta leave for the day. But it was a good Monday.  I'm doing pretty good on the Daniel Fast.  Finding a new love for fruit :) But on a serious note, I am pretty honored...

I am now a manager for North Point Ministries.  I have always had a love for managing people.  Thats one reason I have a minor in Management.  But, I guess I just thought I wouldn't get that responsibility here at my current job.  Boy was I wrong!! The crazy thing is, when I was throwing around pros and cons of going to work for the church.  One of my cons was that I wouldn't have management in my role.  However, look now only a year later and God rewards me with this.  I am definitely humbled in the light of this new responsibility. 

Anyway, just wanted to share that piece of good news with whoever is reading :)

And if you have any good news today, comment it up...

Have a great evening-

**Don't forget to follow the journey of preparation for the Cambodia trip at our new blog site 


EAJan678 said...

Congrats on your promotion! Thanks for telling me earlier today. I love being your friend.

Erin Ashley said...

Rach thats AWESOME!!! How exciting!!! Congratulations on that! You will do an awesome job I know. You'll have to tell me all about it!