Monday, August 23, 2010

Social networking...

Twitter, Facebook, blogs, LinkedIn, Myspace, YouTube...

The list could go on and on. Social networking, it's the thing these days.

Even though I have been playing along, time is causing me to think more deeply about this. Social networking takes time. Valuable time. Precious time. And it's stealing away my time. Social networking is stealing time from me my family my friends MY LIFE . And I don't like that!

So what am I gonna do about it?

I decided that I'm gonna make a change. Over the next few weeks, I will be cleaning up my Facebook page and phasing it out. Facebook is the one time stealer that I see no purpose for. So for those are you that have followed my blog from Facebook, please save the link to this blog and follow me here.

I will be updating more often so keep a look out. Some fun posts to come...

Can you believe we are 4 weeks away from this little guy being a year old? Wow, time moves too fast!

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom" Psalms 90:12


EAJan678 said...

So what social networking are you going to stay a part of? And what social networking are you going to stop being a part of? And while you are answering those, why?

Karin Coibion said...

Hey Rach, I am totally on board with the no Facebook thing. I go there to see what people are up to instead of calling the dear friends I have and then precious time slips away. Maybe I will do the same change- cancel my Facebook account and update my blog on a more regular basis with pictures for family and friends to check out. Love you!

Amber said...

You and I are on the same page. Scott and I talked a lot while on vacation about the "purpose" of FB. If I "care" so much about what's going on with my "friends" then why don't I call them and talk to them?!?! And as for wasting time and not doing something valuable with my time...I could write a book. Or maybe a blog post. ;)

Rachael Walkup said...

I'm keeping this blog and twitter. I jut wrote a post on why :)

Thanks for seeing my view on this. And I heard you quit facebook too.

Lets write a book friend!