Saturday, November 15, 2008


It's hard to even write that word-patience. That is what God has been teaching me over the last 6 months. I feel that I have been really learning but lately it's been worse. This last month, almost everything I did had me waiting. Even yesterday, when I was so sick-I had to wait 2 1/2 hours at the doctors office. Then when I went to pick up my prescription I had to wait another 45 minutes. There are a few other instances just recently that have happened that are just too personal to share. But I have to wonder why. I read this in my morning quiet time today:

"You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." Hebrews 10:36

And what I got out of that is that even though it;s hard to keep going when I feel such resistance. I have to keep moving. You know when you are walking in the ocean against the current? That's what I feel like. But I have to step back and remember these two things -"Be still and know that I am God" and "I can everything through him who gives me strength". So, I share this with you today so that you will know what I am struggling with. I ask for your prayers. There are a lot of unspoken prayer requests here too.

Thanks in advance for your prayers :)


Kristie said...

I am praying for you!! I know what you mean about walking against the current... I feel the same way! Sometimes it feels like I am trying to press against a brick wall and just not getting anywhere! I am tired of being sick ;) I hope you get well really soon!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you and my heart breaks for you. I too understand how hard it is to wait. Please know that you have God, your family and your friends by your side at all times! Love you girl!


Ashly said...

I'm praying for you! See ya tomorrow:)

Erin Ashley said...

I will certainly keep you in my prayers daily. Patience is a hard thing for me as well at times. Know that you are not alone in this.