I hope everyone is having a great Christmas this year! Ours has been really sad! :( But we are trying to be thankful for the life we have. It's hard when you have one mom in the hospital and the other one with her back out. We spent Christmas Eve in the hospital all day (except for a delicious dinner and the aunt and uncles) and today we will be going to my parents house where we will cook for my mom.
I woke up this morning with my heart feeling a little broken. The only way I know to fill it is to remember that today is Jesus' birthday and we must celebrate him today. But then I go back to what Christmas was when I was little. Things were so simple-I can remember being so excited to see what Santa brought. We were spending time with family...there wasn't any sadness...there wasn't any responsiblity...there wasn't any worries...there was only good ole fun. I can close my eyes and go back to that time in a second. Oh how I wish I could actually be there if only just for a few minutes. My favorite Christmas was spent in Niceville, FL with Maw and Pawee (my grandparents). I think it was the Christmas of 1992. I was 10 yrs old and Matthew was 5 yrs old. Santa brought our gifts but he hid then all over their house and we had to go on a scavenger hunt. It was awesome. I can see Maw running around and Pawee rooting us on. Mom of course was following us around with the video camera. It was such a fun day. I can smell Maw and Pawee's house right now. Maw always made a breakfast casserole that was so yummy!
Then I open my eyes and see Gregory (who's asleep on the couch right now, ha ha) I'm so thankful for our little family. We made breakfast together and then we've just been relaxing. Except, I did steam clean the carpet with the awesome cleaner we got from Aunt Nellie and Uncle D! It's funny how gifts change. I think if I had gotten this 5 yrs ago I would have been like umm ok. But this year it was the best gift ever!! I couldn't wait to put it together this morning and try it out :) Alright, I'm going to relax for a little bit and then get ready to go over to my parents. Sorry for all the sappiness this morning. I just have so much on my mind today.
But I do have one question...what is your favorite Christmas memory?
My favorite Christmas memory was when I was about 7 and my sister Dana was about 12. We would get up at like 4AM and sneak into the living room to see what Santa brought us. It wasn't hard because I'm sure our parents had just gone to sleep and were way too tired to wake up. Then we'd check to see if Santa ate our cookies we made him and took the carrots for the reindeer. We'd always eat the left over cookies. Then we'd go back to my sister's room all giggly and silly and wait a couple hours until we could wake up mom and dad. We'd pretend to act so excited when we'd come in the living room as if we never peaked. I'll never forget getting a McDonald's kitchen one year. I played with it all day long. It had a grill that made real sizzling noises and had fake burgers to “cook” on it. I will always remember the enormous mound of boxes and paper that we had after we finished opening the crazy amount of gifts we received. Christmas as a child was always amazing and magical. My how the time flies by.
My first thought is when I was six years old. All I remember is that we had a lot more toys than usual that year. Years later I found out that my dad had taken out a loan to accomplish that. We were kind of poor. Now I fast forward to when Gregory and Natasha were small and woke us up every Christmas at around 5 AM bursting with emotion and excitement. This year of course was very different spending it in the hospital. But the common thread through all of these memories is FAMILY!
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