Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's hard to believe...

This New Years Eve will be 2 years since Gregory asked me to marry him!!! Time goes by so fast. I still can think of that night like it was yesterday. I found this video as I was going through a bunch of wedding folders we had on our old computer. So I thought I would share :) It's only a minute long. Short, sweet, and to the point! Have a look and listen closely for when the countdown ends. I loved that night. I have never been so surprised in my whole life.

So, a new year is on it's way...what's your new years resolution??


Anonymous said...

Hearing that proposal brought tears to my eyes! Awww, so happy for you guys. Can't believe it's been two years already, huh? ~Jenn Cerruto

Anonymous said...

That was just what the doctor ordered! My hub's in so much trouble. Greg, come over hereand teac him a thing or two about romance, would you??;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, the season is here again!!! Aren't you so exited?? To think of it! Do you think Greg will treat you this New Years'?

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'd heard it at your rehearsal dinner and it still makes me cry. I'm so glad you've started this blog. how cool!!!! Time flies - 2 years. Wow!
Love you both, Aunt Nel