Man, the month of June and beginning of July feels like it lasted an eternity but it also feels like it fly by. I had tried to prepare myself because I knew it would be a tough month. But I was not prepared for the ripple effect that these five things would do to me.
- G traveling A LOT! In the month of June, he was gone 15 of the 30 days.
- Horrible behavior from Finn and Selah not sleeping!
- Hormones...need I say anymore!?
- A last minute flight to Florida with just me and an 8 week old.
- My grandfather meeting Jesus.
Basically, the month started with a lot of crying and ended with a lot of crying. I have a WHOLE new respect for mom's that have husbands that travel. That was so hard on me. The travel he had just happen to fall all in the same month. And it wasn't anything I wouldn't have wanted him to do. The timing was just hard. And Finn's behavior is WAY better now. It was just a combo of no structure of school, daddy being gone, mommy being stressed, being jealous of Selah, and his age. We discovered Selah has really bad reflux and her sleeping is finally better with chiropractic care and medicine. I survived the flight to Florida and got to my granddaddy. I was able to tell him everything I wanted to and let him meet my Selah Grace.
So all in all, I survived. And God taught me some great lessons. He taught me that He is all I need and that I needed to rely on Him. He taught me that He is in control even when all I see is chaos. And most of all, I was reminded how fast our life goes by. Make a difference...stop wasting time!
Below are some pictures...
Told ya there was a lot of crying!
We got to see Matthew and Kasey!
Finn discovered he loved playing on the slip and slide
The only way I could get him excited about the bath...a BUBBLE bath!
Even out for a walk didn't help...
Uncle Edd got some good Selah snuggles. She loves being held!
Tummy is starting to feel we are getting smiles!
At Maw and Pawee's house, Selah slept on the floor since I could travel with her pack n' play
Selah in bed with Aunt Tavie and Maw in the morning.
Finn finally got his face painted. He was insistent about being a puppy.
We got some time at the beach, thanks to Uncle Edd and Aunt Tavie
Selah loved the sound of the ocean
Daddy and son sitting in the waves as they came in
Here's ma video of it.
We spent the time at the beach where we married 6 summers ago!
4 generations - Tina (maw), Janice (mom), Rachael (me), and Selah
A snapshot of our beach time!
A delicious dinner at the Back Porch restaurant!
4 generations - Maw, Aunt Tavie, Mom, Me, and Selah
Pawee's bike - he rode it everyday and made "rounds" in his neighborhood. We found out his neighbor's called him the "mayor." He was always taking care of the people around him.
I love this picture since Maw doesn't take her eyes off Selah
Abba and her grandkids. I was thankful she stayed with me while G was in Haiti. We had fun together and did a lot of projects around the house together.